The book, full of engaging stories and beautiful pictures, invites the reader to Africa. For a quarter of a century, the talented author was voluntarily and professionally connected to several African countries, especially South Africa and Kenya, where she worked and lived for five years. Danica Olexová died in the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash in 2019, but her story is not over. It continues not only in the original book, but also in the Danica Olexová Foundation – Baboon, which was founded in her memory.
“At the very centre of our mission is an old acacia – an umbrella tree – sacred to the local people because beneath it, they dreamed and prayed for freedom and a better life. Danica, too, often sat there. She loved it there and heard the stories people told of suffering, but also of trust in the good Nkulunkulu and of hopes for a better tomorrow. There, she inspired many young people from the mission and its neighbourhood, so that they were not unappreciative, in spite of poverty and hardship. She assured them that, in time, things would change; that they just needed education to fulfil their dreams.”
Františka Olexová OSF
Danica Olexová (1976 – 2019) was the project manager of the outreach programme Dobrá novina (Good News). She was responsible for development projects in Kenya, where she served for 5 years. During one of these project journeys to Kenya on 10th March 2019, she lost her life tragically in the Ethiopian Airlines crash. In her memory, the Danica Olexová Foundation was founded in 2020, with the aim of establishing her legacy and to support people in their creativity and all-round development.
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Kniha plná pútavých príbehov a krásnych fotografií pozýva čitateľa do Afriky. Talentovaná autorka bola celé štvrťstoročie dobrovoľnícky i profesionálne spojená s viacerými africkými krajinami, predovšetkým s Južnou Afrikou a Keňou, kde päť rokov pracovala a žila. Danica Olexová zahynula pri leteckom nešťastí Etiópskych aerolínií v roku 2019, no jej príbeh sa neskončil. Pokračuje ďalej nielen v originálne spracovanej knihe, ale aj v Nadácii Danice Olexovej – Baboon, ktorá bola založená na jej pamiatku. Kúpou knihy v ktoromkoľvek formáte nadáciu podporíte.